First blog post of the New Year and also this website! It's pretty neat to have a little space on the big ole web. I want this to be a place where I can enter my thoughts, projects and keep a running tab on my life. At least for now, much of my time is spent learning the basics of HTML so I can put this whole thing together. I'm enjoying it! HTML has changed so much since I first started learning about it so many years ago. Now that I'm putting together an entire website from scratch it requires learning so much more. I don't feel like it's too much though.
For now the plan is to continue to add content while getting the foundation and structure of the site. Once that is up and running I'll turn my focus to the CSS and nail the look down. This post is the first that will begin to anchor the site into reality. How neat! I think that's all I really have to say for now. I'm all consumed by this website and getting it down. :D
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